Thursday, February 14, 2008

Politics + America's favorite pasttime = Vomit

The congressional hearings? on steroid use in baseball could not have been choreographed any better. In one corner we have an untrustworthy drug dealer who is most likely telling the truth about the dark side of a popular sport. On the other we have an American legend, role model for work ethic, and possible cheat who will do anything to convince the public of his innocence. The result was a meaningless hearing that left everyone "disguested" and with no option but to give up chasing ghosts in a controversy that will never be solved. Wasn't this the only exit strategy for a confrontation created by greedy baseball players and executives? There have to be dozens of trainers involved in the doping of athletes. Why target the dirtiest of them all? Bring the upstanding family practitioner who injected his next door neighbor who happens to be the star of his local team in front of your exploratory panel. Instead we are stuck with a pointless hearing and no results. No one will go to jail, and business will go on as usual. Don't get me wrong. I love baseball. But if the federal government wants to say that they stand against steroids, then take some real action. Don't orchestrate some public charade to appease the disappointed masses. Have the gusto to stand by your words. I hope baseball takes this as a warningshot against their bow, but fear this is simply politics as usual.


Christopher J. Bottaro said...

Pro athletes and actors getting crucified for roid uses pisses me off. That's their f-ing job and they get paid MILLIONS for it. Maybe if they didn't get paid such ridiculous amounts of money, the health risks wouldn't worth it as much.

Also, I want to see larger than life heros on the screen and on the field... let them have it.

brian said...

I am not arguing the legitimacy of steroid use. It's our governments apparent double standards that I am critiquing. Why have a law, then not enforce it?