Friday, May 16, 2008

The new evolution of Man

This is from the film "Waking Life," which is relatively well known in Austin, but a little more obscure elsewhere. I have always understood what this "mad scientist" was describing, but always thought his ideas were a little far fetched and idealistic. I might have some evidence to lower my level of doubt. The CNN article today, "Man's rare ability may unlock secret of memory," tells of a man, Brad Williams, 51, who remembers everything about where he was on a certain date and all the noteworthy events that took place. His ability/condition, known as hyperthymestic syndrome, is known to be shared by 2 other people, one woman and another man. What makes this scary to me is that I can imagine some mad proponent of eugenics who would kill to get their hands onsome of their genetic material so that this "new evolution" can begin. How different would society/relationships be if we all had this ability. I guess it would leave a lot of politicians SOL.

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