Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Beta-Ray or HDMAX

I know the question has crossed your mind. You quickly opened your eyes afterwards and sat up, your alarm clock rejoining you with your mental faculties. Or maybe you are one of those who bought a PS3, or happened on a good deal for a HDDVD player. However, most of us aren't going to dump a lot of money into some technology that might be obsolete in a few years. Many who remember the burn of the beta-max are playing the wait and see game. Technical data on the subject has been available for some time now, but the shelves of your electronic store still carry both, only adding to the confusion.
Finally we have a little sales data to help sort out the mess. Blu-ray players outsold HDDVD players by a 2-1 margin in 2007. This was largely due to the PS3, but the tides finally appear to be turning in the video format wars. Now that there are more blue ray players on the market, coupled with the fact that they can hold over 60% more data, the beginning of the end for HDDVD may finally be approaching. However, I won't be first in line to purchase one. The prices of the players and the disks will not begin to come down until there is standardization in the marketplace. HD sports will have to be enough for now.

1 comment:

Christopher J. Bottaro said...

Upon further research, it seems that porn is being opened up th Blu-Ray. Imo, pron gave HDDVD a bit of an edge, but seems like its now lost that edge.

I have mixed feelings about Blu-Ray emerging as a winner. Obviously, we're all better off with a single format being a clear cut winner, I'm kind of annoyed with Sony for always going against the grain:
* Betamax (vs VHS)
* Memory Stick (vs Flash or SD)
* ATRAC (vs MP3)
* Blu-Ray (vs HDDVD)

Well, I guess persistence is key... maybe they finally got a win with Blu-Ray... it's about time, haha.