Monday, January 7, 2008

Black Tie Gala or Kegger

I want a third choice. I want another option to sate my celebratory urges. Why do I have to decide between a martini and a cold lager. I should be able to order a jack and coke, or a margarita it it suits my fancy. In our modern age of information overload we are inundated with choices. You can't go a day without being flooded with advertisements from companies inviting you to fulfill yourself with their aid. We expect choices, we even demand them. Imagine walking into a car dealership and being told that they only sell two models of cars. You would ask me manager what he was smoking. Yet, we accept a form of government that only offers us two viable political parties. We think nothing of it and accept it just because it's the way things have always been. We call our country the land of freedom, but we are only free to choose black or white. I want gray.... with a splash of cranberry.

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